Studio Class: My name is Kimberly Wilczak, MLA RLA. I hope that the VideoAbstraction Tool (see web address below) will help you to interrogate your sites for this studio project and beyond. In my work, I used the VideoAbstraction Tool at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens to analyze existing site user movements and densities. The analysis revealed two key points: 1) people mostly enter from the main entrance at an angled trajectory, and 2) people follow paving color differences. Below you will see examples of my process to create analysis images.
SYNchronous objects (developed by ohio state university and william forsythe) Go to the web address below and click on "open tool" to download.
the videoabstraction tool interface:
museum analyses:
On the left you see a single screen capture of movement in the museum forecourt with the "trails:long" setting turned on. I paused the video every 5 seconds and took a screen capture/exported the image. Then in photoshop I overlaid all of the "trails" to create the final image on the right, which reveals densities of use, trajectories and the tendency of people to follow paving color differences.
Good luck and I hope this tool reveals surprising and helpful information about your sites!
Good luck and I hope this tool reveals surprising and helpful information about your sites!